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Case Study

Roof Detection Algorithm

We’re not a regular consulting firm. More than Data & AI suppliers, we are reliable partners. Both transparency and independence are at the core of how we work and guide the development of strong and reliable partnerships with our clients.

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One of our coolest projects focused on targeting roofs on satellite imaging for a utilities customer. We were not only targeting roofs but also looking at any obstruction that might prevent the setup of solar panels or other devices - we achieved an IOU of 0.7 using a U-NET architecture, producing outstanding results in less than one month.


While having few tagged data was an issue in the past, with most state-of-art computer vision models, that is not the case.


Vision model with generalization power. Our POC ended up opening up a ton of new possibilities for our customer with few risk and investment.


Just with 60 tagged images, we were able to produce really performant models able to generalize. Our POC ended up opening up a ton of new possibilities for our customer with few risk and investment.

Computer Vision

Our model is based on a U-Net architecture. While having few tagged data was an issue in the past, with most state-of-art models that is not an issue. We were able to produce a decent baseline for roof detection in just a couple of weeks. During the project, we also developed two more models: obstruction detection and roof orientation identification.

Machine Learning Model

Time Line



Image tags and Model Training.



Roof Detection Model Development



Obstruction Model Development



North Roof Targeting Development


Key Insights

Our POC opened up several new possibilities for our customer.

With a U-Net architecture, we were able to train different computer vision models for different targets really quickly,

60 tagged images were Enough for a satisfactory POC