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Sales & Marketing.

Sort through clutter. Innovate with clarity.
Talk With us

We are experts in helping companies achieving optimal performance by using relevant data information.

Customer Acquisition & Retention

Have clarity on your customers' purchase journeys.

Targeted Communications

Target your communications more efficiently and control commercial risk.

Recommender Systems

Analyze customer preferences and predict which products they are more likely to interact with next.

Churn Prediction

Predict which and when customers will leave your brand and adjust expected revenue.

Customer Segmentation

Create segmentations that are meaningful for the business and optimize the marketing spend.

Sales Forecasting

Increase accuracy in your forecasts, and supply better business planning, detailed metrics, and analysis.

Cross Selling Algorithms

Predict future actions, plan offers, and increase purchases.

Trial Period Analysis

Take a deeper and quicker analysis of your trial period data.

Deep Analytics & Insights

Predict the factors that count in lead conversion and drive your sales.

Set your way into the future.

Expert Data Scientists
Our team is carefully curated to be able to assist in your data problems.
With projects in several countries, we have international expertise across different industries.
Projects delivered
Since 2019 - ranging from enterprises to start-up companies.

Our Industries

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